司祭の指導のもと、祈り(テッセラ・ロザリオ)と奉仕活動をします。司祭と共に教会にお越しになれない方への訪問・お見舞い等のご聖体奉仕をはじめ、クリスマス、復活祭にはカードをお送りしています。教会共同体の兄弟姉妹のご葬儀に参列します。 喫茶しゃろ~むのお手伝いもします。 毎週火曜日(13時~14時)日本語 毎日日曜日(15時~16時)英語 Legion of Mary
Through the spiritual guidance of a priest, the group offers prayers (Tesera, rosary) by doing some volunteer activities. In addition to visiting & sympathizing with those who cannot come to Church (houses, hospitals, & hospices), the Legion of Mary sends them Christmas & Easter cards. In the community the group attends funerals & helping in the shalom for the tea service. Every Tuesday (1-2pm) in Japanese Every Sunday (3-4pm) in English